Week 9: The Martian (6 points)

 I saw the move The Martian back when it came out in theaters. I greatly enjoyed the movie and found it to be one of good pace and kept me interested the whole way. I found similar results after having read the book. 

One particular thing I found in my reading is that unlike other sci-fi stories we have read and other genre specific books, this one did a great job of having a simple concept that did not push the genre cliches to the limit or included any crazy out of this world concepts. The Martian on the other hand was very successful in developing a story that seemed believable and life like. A NASA astronaut/biologist gets stuck on mars and must survive until he can be rescued. Pretty simple concept to understand without any additives. I found it to be believable by the amount of scientific detail included in the book. Explaining all of these lucrative scientific details about mars was something I did not expect but found to be a great addition to the book and added to the "this feels believable and I could see this exact scenario going down in the real world."   


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